MDs @ QUEENSWAY MEDICAL | Premier Medical and Cosmetic Center
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Clarity 2 Lutronic system is the newest technology to meet all your skin care needs. Iligher power 755/ 1064nm platform for effective treatments up to 45%* faster • brilliantly removes hair, pigment, and vascular lesions in all skin types.

At Lotus by MDs@ Queensway, you are in great hands with a certified medical professional.

Treatment interval: 4-6 weeks for the face and 6-8 weeks for all other areas

Pre and post-care Instructions:
1.    Shave before the procedure(s).
2.    Do not use any skincare products on the treated area(s).
3.    Do not use deodorants or perfumes on the treated area(s) for 24 hours.
4.    Do not use cosmetics with Retinol, or AHA for 48 hrs pre and post-care.
5.    Do not use hydrocortisone for more than 2 days without a Drs. prescription.
6.    No exfoliators or scrubs (face or body) to the treated area(s) for 1 week before or after the laser.
7.    No saunas, hot tubs, or hot environment of any type 1 week after treatment. Book your treatments at least 2-3 weeks before/after vacation.
8.    No waxing, threading, or plucking hair for 1 week before or after hair removal treatment to avoid folliculitis caused due to inflammation.
9.    Apply a UVAIUVB sunblock of SPF30 or higher to exposed and treated area(s).
19. Inform the clinic of all medication and health status changes at every visit.
11.    Apply a cooling pack or cooling compress, and hydrocortisone (-1%) if needed for redness or skin irritation of the treated area.
12.    If using Accutane: Wait for 6 months after the completion of Accutane therapy.
13.    Tattoos: We do not treat tattooed skin, including decorative, permanent make-up and radiation port tattoos.
14.    You are not a candidate if you have a history of photosensitivity or diseases which may be stimulated by light at the wavelengths used (755nm or 1064nm) such as a history of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Porphyria, and Epilepsy, such as Active Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2.
15. You are not a candidate if you are pregnant and/or nursing.
16. You are not a candidate if you have any current skin cancer or current condition of any other type of cancer or pre-malignant moles.
17. You are not a candidate if you have any impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases such as AIDS and HIV, or the use of immunosuppressive medications.
Please inform us if you have any contraindications or if any changes to your health status:
•    History of bleeding disorders or use of anticoagulants
•    Medications: Daily anticoagulation therapy, herbal supplements such as ginkgo, ginseng, or garlic, or Tetracyclines or St. John's Wort within the last 2 weeks
•    Medications that induce photosensitivity. Stop the medication, if possible, for 3-5 days prior to treatment and inform us of changes

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