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Booking an Doctor's Appointment

You can book an appointment with our physicians or other care providers by calling our clinic at (416) 238-6773. You cannot book an appointment by Email or Fax.


If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message as we clear this very frequently and will respond promptly. Please do not email us to book, change, or cancel appointments


When leaving a voicemail on our switchboard, please be sure to leave a callback number to which you will readily be available. We clear the messages frequently and someone will contact you as soon as possible


It is our policy that anybody over the age of 18 must contact us in person to arrange appointments. Parents cannot make the appointments for them.
Additionally, spouses cannot book appointments for each oth


Cancellation of Appointments
We require 48 hours' notice for any cancellations.

Due to the high volume demands on our office and the need to optimize our best use of clinic hours for our patients, we require that you provide us at least 48 hours' notice if an appointment has to be changed or cancelled. This allows us to let someone else use the time slot, which you may no longer require or intend to use


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