A non-invasive solution for the removal of damaged skin
A chemical peel is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the damaged skin to remove the top layers, as such helping the shedding process while revealing the freshness of the new, growing one. The skin that grows back is smoother. With a light or medium peel, you may need to undergo the procedure more than once to get the desired results.
Chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin and scars — usually on the face. They can be done alone or combined with other cosmetic procedures. And they can be done at different depths, from light to deep. Deeper chemical peels offer more dramatic results but also take longer to recover from.
A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure. Depending on the issues you're addressing with the procedure, you'll choose a chemical peel in one of three depths, Light, Medium or Deep Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin and scars — usually on the face. They can be done alone or combined with other cosmetic procedures. And they can be done at different depths, from light to deep. Deeper chemical peels offer more dramatic results but also take longer to recover from.
A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure. Depending on the issues you're addressing with the procedure, you'll choose a chemical peel in one of three depths, Light, Medium or Deep Chemical Peel

Chemical peels improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance*
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Chemical peels improve the appearance of wrinkled skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance.
Treat Rough Skin Texture and Facial Imperfections with a Chemical Peel. Everyone deserves to have smooth flawless skin. A chemical peel is a non-surgical procedure that can help you get treat uneven skin tone, rough skin, and facial blemishes