Pigmentation, Freckles, Melasma | Lotus @ Queensway Medical
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Freckles, age spots, sun spots, and liver spots, broadly called pigmentation are irregular skin discoloration which is a common and distressing problem caused by factors such as sun damage, some inflammatory skin disorders, and hormonal fluctuations. In its various forms, pigmentation affects more than 80 percent of women in their lifetime, however, it impacts largely the male population as well.


Pigmentation refers to changes in the melanin (pigment) of your skin, but there are different types and they do not all respond to the same treatments. As such,  correct diagnosis of the type of pigmentation you’re experiencing is essential if you’re to benefit from the selected treatment.

Freckles, birthmarks, and other forms of benign pigment spots are influenced by a variety of environmental factors such as sun exposure, genetic predisposition the natural aging process of the skin. Their size, shape, and number are completely individual. 


Age Spots and Sun Damage (Solar lentigines)

Age spots and sun damage are pigment spots that are darker than the surrounding skin. They occur in the skin areas that are most frequently exposed to the sun, such as. B. face, neck, cleavage, and hands. These pigment spots differ in size, shape, and number and can develop into skin cancer. Your skin can also be affected by sun damage that is not visible to the naked eye.

Many over-the-counter cosmetic products for treating age spots are available on the market. However, these are often expensive and not very effective. There are several treatment options available to your doctor, such as for example chemical peeling and dermabrasion but also light and laser-based therapies. The best results are often achieved with laser and energy-based solutions depending on age, skin type, and other factors.

Freckles are pigmented areas of skin on the face or body that are caused by exposure of sunlight to the skin. Many people want freckles to be removed or at least mitigated. Chemical peels and dermabrasion can be used for treatment. However, light and laser-based therapies are most commonly used and are the most effective.


Birthmarks (Vascular or Pigmented)
Birthmarks often appear in the form of colored, unsightly areas of skin. Many people want these to be removed or at least mitigated. Birthmarks differ in size and shape and can be pigmented or vascular in origin.
Light and laser-based the
rapies are the most commonly used and effective treatments for birthmarks. However, pigmented birthmarks can also be treated well with chemical peeling and dermabrasion.


Melasma is pigmentation that is deeper in the skin’s dermis. It appears on the face as larger brown patches with a non-distinct border. This type of pigmentation is more common in women. Though the causes are unknown, it is often stimulated by hormonal increases. The condition is made worse with UV exposure, some medications, pregnancy, and stress.


How do laser treatments work to remove pigment spots?
The laser energy is directed onto the pigments (or, for birthmarks, also onto the vascular tissue) and breaks them up. The dead skin cells are then removed by the body’s natural processes. This type of treatment is associated with little damage to the skin and tissue in the surrounding skin region. The degree of difficulty of this treatment depends on factors such as the skin colour of the patient and the size, type and number of pigment spots. Treating people with darker skin can be more difficult, but an expert can achieve good results with the appropriate equipment and careful application. In some cases, multiple treatments are required.
The complexion clears up within a few days after the treatment. The dark pigment spots disappear and your complexion is more even and looks refreshed.


Lotus by MDs @ Queensway


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